April 22, 2010

My go to cookies.....

In celebration of Earth Day some of us in the office decided to bring in some goodies and I chose my favorite cookies….EVER. For starters Ryan and I are completely obsessed with Reese's peanut butter cups, eggs, Christmas trees, and hearts (RTK says the hearts look more like arrows). Our favorite by far are the eggs that come out at Easter. We stock up….or try to at least. The eggs were hard to come by this year so my lovely mom went out in the wee morning the day after Easter and picked us up some. I owe her big.

Oh….so back on the topic. The cookies I make use the miniature cups which are also pretty amazing. I have taken these the last four times I have needed a dessert item and have never brought any home. I figure that is a pretty good sign! I would love to say that they are super hard to make and I slave in the kitchen for hours….but I didn't…not even close.

What you need:

24 miniature Reese's peanut butter cups
Peanut butter cookie dough (you can use your own favorite recipe or if I am feeling lazy I use the Betty Crocker mix…yeah last night was one of those)
Mini muffin pan

Roll the cookie dough into about 1 inch round balls and then put one in each hole in the muffin pan. Cook at 375 for about 15 minutes. While they are cooking unwrap the peanut butter cups. As soon as the cookies are done remove them from the oven and immediately place a peanut butter cup in the center and press down. I usually let them cool in the pan for awhile before trying to get them out. The next step is to try not to eat any if you are taking them somewhere :-)


  1. Yum! I'll have to try those out...for I also possess the undying Reese's love...

  2. I posted the soup recipe! Let me know what you think if/when you make it! I'm excited for my garden to grow so I can make it from totally fresh stuff!
