April 14, 2010

Here's to 26.....

For my birthday evening I decided to try out some new places in DC. Our first stop was pizza at 7th Hill Pizza on Capitol Hill. The pizza was amazing and they are all named for areas around DC. After stuffing ourselves with food we headed over to Georgetown Cupcake. I have been hearing about this place pretty much since I moved here but we haven't ever tried it out. It is supposed to be "THE" cupcake place in the area. I will say that I was not at all disappointed.
I would have loved to have one of each but Ryan wouldn't let me....probably for the best.

I would like to say that two of these were for Ryan and one was for me but we all know that is not how it went down. I will definitely be going back…..often.


1 comment:

  1. Those look delightful! I want one. Happy birthday again, sounds like it was good!

    (I saw Janet's comment on reading your blog, so I joined the creepy club, and am reading it too.)

