April 12, 2010

The Big City......

As kind of a pre-birthday trip Ryan and I went to NYC this past weekend. We decided to try out the whole bus thing and it was actually pretty smooth sailing. We probably didn't spend any more money then if we had driven because of all the tolls. Plus it was pretty cool driving through the city on a double decker bus! The trip was a little over 4 hours with the a stop in Philly. Problem is we didn't get home until 11:30 pm last night and still had to metro to our apartment. After we unpacked and ate some McDonald's chicken nuggets (I know I know….lame but it was the closest place that was till open) it was after 1:00 before we went to bed. I am definitely going to need a Chai Tea Latte this morning :-)

I don't know how but this trip turned out to mainly be about eating. I had looked up and found on blogs some of the best places around nyc….problem is they were all over the city. We chose the subway for our mode of transportation and it got old….fast. On average we switched lines/trains three times per trip. If I EVER complain about the DC metro again…..I should be slapped. The DC train system is a bazillion times easier/cleaner/more reliable. We ended up taking a taxi twice on the last day because there was so much track maintenance we weren't really sure how to get back to our hotel. Oh and one time we got to the platform just to realize we were on the wrong side. Problem was there wasn't a way to get to the other side without leaving and then swiping your card again to re-enter. Besides this being a total pain the fare cards can't be used within 15 minutes of when you last swiped it. So…..we had to just ride the train in the wrong direction to a stop that would let us transfer to the other direction without leaving the station. Craziness!!!!!!

We did do a little more then just eat. We went up in the Empire State Building, saw The Magic Flute (in German) at the Metropolitan Opera, and visited the Natural History Museum. It was a fast trip but we plan on going back a couple more times while we are out here especially since the bus is so easy.

Here are some pictures (sorry about the quality they are from my phone) from the sights and of course the food!
The Subway

Empire State Building

View from the top of the Empire State Building

Brooklyn Bridge

Me in front of the Metropolitan Opera

Times Square

And now for the Food.....

Sandwich from Kat'z Deli -- the counter guy gave me a lot extra!

R Man's bacon wrapped hot dog from Crif's Dogs

Best NYC pizza - Grimaldi's

Line outside of Grimaldi's at 3 pm

Go Navy!

Burger courtesy of Shake Shack....there was a long line there too. 

Cupcakes from Magnolia Bakery....yes we each had two...we couldn't resist

Last meal in NYC right before we board the bus -- too bad it wasn't bacon wrapped.


  1. Aahhh, one can never have too much NYC! I'm so happy you went to Magnolia Bakery! Looks like you had some good eats...your hair is so long - it looks great!

  2. Looks like so much fun! It makes me want to go back!

  3. nyc looks like fun. of course you would have all of the meal spots planned... i love it. go food network!! i'm so excited i found your blog to see what you've been up to. so i'm gonna go be creepy now and snoop around.
